
Baby Girl Easter Basket

Baby Girl Easter Basket

My baby Avie Lou, just turned 12 months old, she shares the same birthday month as big sister so we celebrated them together a few weeks ago. Again, toys were not on my list.


1. Dishwasher basket- the easiest way to get little things washed up.
2. Knee-high socks- to match with big sister duh
3. Bloomers- I love bloomers they make a great summer outfit while keeping her cool.
4. Shoes- I found these super adorable unicorn shoes at Walmart and put them in my cart immediately, because unicorns- duh!
5. Face Wipes- our favorite face wipes are from Neat Cheeks, we love their different scents and they are naturally made.
6. Sunscreen- Baby Ganics is on of our favorite brands, we use a lot of their products.
7. Multi-Use Covers- I have been using multi-covers since Avie was born. I used them as carseat covers, nursing cover and now that she sits up; shopping cart cover!

Thank you for reading, please leave me your thoughts. I would love to hear from you.

¡Hasta Pronto! xo,

*I received some of these things for free in exchange for an honest review. This post contains affiliate links, you can read more here

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