
What's In My Diaper Bag: Packing For Three

Hi friends! I am so excited to share this post with you all today because I absolutely love when other mamas in similar positions as me share what they pack up in their diaper bag. I thought it would be a great time to share how I manage to stay some-what sane while being out and about with an organized and functional diaper bag.

Diaper Bag

As a mom of three, I have learned that I am obsessed with diaper bags. No shame here, I love them all and it is so much fun learning about each individual bag and what functions they serve. Not all bags that I have tried have made it to my favs list but my new Fawn Design Diaper bag has been giving me life. I have used it for about 3 months now and I absolutely LOVE it! The fact that my hands are free for more hugs, toys and everything else my kids hand me, is so amazing! I loose track of how many compliments I get because it is so stylish and did I mention they make mini sizes too? I mean the perfect bag and matching with your mini mama is probably the next best thing to eating Krispy Kreme donuts in bed. 

Check out my organizing skills, goals right? Kidding, but boy does this zippered top make me so happy! I can see where everything is and I don't need to dig through it to find what I'm looking for.

Everything I Pack!

For 18 Month Old Toddler 

• Diapers | Please, never leave home without them. I have been there and it is NOT pretty, which is why I always carry back-ups in my car but thats a whole new post common' at ya soon!
• Wipes | These things are pretty much made to be a moms best friend. 
• Diaper Ointment & Diaper Brush | Because you never know! I love using the Babybum Diaper Creme Brush because its mess free and such a cool product!
• Swaddle | Also a moms best friend, I use a swaddle for my toddler all the time when I am out and about. Sometimes she needs a nap and loves to sooth herself with her blankie, or we forget our 5-in-1 Cover for the shopping cart or high chair, so we use a swaddle. Better than nothing right? 
• Changing Pad | Definitely a must! I have also forgotten our before and have had to drop everything to go change her in the car. Or I use the swaddle but then I would be swaddle-less, which is not pretty either.
• Organizer Bags | These bags are what make packing a dream for me! They help me stay super organized and with the mesh panels, it allows me to clearly see what's inside.
- Organizer Bag 1 | Change of Clothes 
usually it will be a simple top and 
leggings, (depending on the season) 
undies, socks and pants for big brother (3yrs), 
undies, socks and leggings for sissy (6yrs).

- Organizer Bag 2 | Feeding Essentials
here I pack a bandana bib, disposable bib and placemat,
hand sanitizer, lotion and spork. 
• Small Trinket Bag | I always carry a small little bag with some of Avie and Ayans' favorite trinkets like: blocks, finger puppets, play phone, small measuring tube and pompoms (she will literally spend like 30 mins putting them in and taking them out, its a great way to entertain her when I am at a doctors appointment, a phone call etc.), cars, small zoo animals etc. I change them up every so often but the tube and pompoms stay.

For 3 Year Old Toddler 

• Change of clothes like mentioned above
• Trinket bag 
• Small notepad and a few crayons 

For 6 Year Old

• Small notepad and crayons
• Change of clothes like mentioned above. She very rarely has accidents, they are more like her outfit got really dirty, or she spilled something etc. 
• LOL Dolls | I keep one or two LOL Dolls in the trinket bag with some accessories for her, she loves them.

For Everyone 

• Wet Bag with Snacks | I will NOT leave out the door without snacks and I love packing easy dry snacks in my wet bag. Usually I pack granola bars one for each of us, gold fish, crackers, pepperoni slices, cuties, etc. If I'm packing fruit or things that need to stay cold, I pack them separately in a bigger snack bag and add ice packs to keep things cold. Let me know if you want to see a post on this!
• Clorox To-Go Wipes | Because messes
• Neat Cheeks Face Wipes | For messes on kids
• Small First-Aid Kit | Bandaids, ointment, and more bandaids because kids.

For Mom

• Note Pad & Pen | I am a very visual person and I love to write things down so this is a must for me. 
• Portable Charger
• Chapstick & Lipgloss
• Hand Lotion 
• Gum 
• Wallet & Phone 
• Hair Tie 

And that's a wrap! Did I miss anything? Let me know! 

xo, Romelia 

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